Thursday 30 October 2008

Photoshop tutorial 2

image before
I used the rotate button to straiten the image. And then I used the crop tool to crop the image.
To bring out the contrast of the colours in this picture, I went to brightness and contrast and changed them.
In the middle of the picture there is an image of a boat in the water, to remove this we used the stamp clone tool, but because there are waves around the boat, we had to keep coping the ocean from all areas, so it doesn't look obvious that we have removed an object from there.

I then used the magic wand tool to select all areas of the sky, and then i brought the tolerance down to ten. I then opened up a new image of clouds, selected all the image and then copied the image. Then i went back to the boat image and clicked paste into, and the image of the clouds was in the area of the sky. I then moved about the image of the clouds to suit the foreground, then i changed the fill and opacity to make the image look better.

I then flattened the image, and the two layers of the image became one.
image after

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