Tuesday 21 October 2008

Photoshop tutorial

Image before

first use the crop tool to trim away the black edging, on the image.

Then use the stamp tool at a 20 pixel brush size, to remove the scratch on the bottom left hand side of the image. To use the stamp clone tool, you put your mouse over a piece of the grey marble that is clean, press down the alt key intil a target sign appears instead of the mouse sign, and then click your mouse, and then click over the scratch and it should disappear.

After use the wand tool, and click the grey marble area. All the grey marble area should be included. Then go to Brightness and contrast, and put the brightness up and saturation down. This has changed the tone/brightness of the marble.

There is a bruise on the pear in the image. To remove this, you click on the healing tool, put over the blemish on the pear and click, and this should remove it.

Next we will create a clone of the green leaf on the grey marble. To do this we click on the stamp clone tool, click on a piece of the leaf, by pressing down the alt key and clicking then on the right side of the mouse. After you then apply a new clone of the leaf by the origianal, by clicking by the leaf and holding down the mouse and rubbing it intil a new leaf appears.
Image after

I have done this photoshop tutorial to improve my skills and to learn new skills on photoshop. This will help me improve my awareness magazine i am creating.

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