Tuesday 21 October 2008

backgroung picture's

Here are some abstract pictures based on the subject nature.

The pictures "before" have been taken with my digital camera, and then the "after" picture's have been manupulated on photoshop.

Picture before and after

With this picture i have brought up the brightness and contrast, then i have used the healing tool and the clone tool to get rid of any brown parts of the leave.

Image before Then after

In the first picture, i have brought the contrast and the brightness up. Then i have removed a brown coloured leaf from the picture, which was on the right hand side of the picture, with the clone tool by choosing a part of the picture to disguise the brown leaf.

image before image after

i have crooped this image so the top left hand corner finishes with the purple flower. Then i have used the clone tool and choosen a piece of the green plant to hide the buliding in the background.

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