Wednesday 29 October 2008

Combining Traditional and Digital

I am looking into how traditional photographs can be edited using photoshop or other digital technology. Here are some images that caught my eye on the website-

Here are some Traditional art images, that caught my attention on this website.

This image was created by a person under the name Snow-Glass-Apples on the website deviant art. The image was created using watercolours, and then onto photoshop. The backround of this image is the watercolours blending in to one another, and in the foreground there is a close up shot of a woman's face.

This image was created by someone under the name
kell2860 on the website deviant art. This image was created by hand.

Here are some Digital art images , that caught my eye on this website.

This image was created by someone under the name ~aaliriyah on the website deviant art. The image is photomanupulation, and was created on Photoshop Cs2. The effect used on this image is a quick oil on water effect.

This image was created by someone under the name Sugargrl14 on the website deviant art. The image is very effected and was taken by a camera then coppied onto Photoshop, and then they turned the colour to black and white, leaving the colour of the eyes as they are. The colour of the eyes in this picture is stunning, and also the detail in this picture is good too.

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