Tuesday 14 October 2008

image before

This is an image of my brother Daniel and our pet dog toby when they were younger. i chose this picture to use on photoshop becouse there eyes are a different colour to what they should be, for example my brothers eyes are red and my dogs eyes have gone bright yellow.

First I have removed the bright orange date of the picture that is on the right hand side of the page, by using the healing key. to use the healing key you press down alt and then click your mouse over a piece of the blue carpet on the image, then click over the date to get rid of it.

To remove the red eye, you zoom in on the eyes, then with the eye dropper tool you select the gray area of the eye, and then create a new layer, then with a 2 pixel paint brush, colour over the redarea. After go to the toolbar at the top of your sgrin then go down to filter across to blur, then go across again to gausslan Blur. Put the gausslin blur at 1.0 pixel. Then you change the layer to saturation, then duplicate it. Then change new layer to hul, then flatten the image.

To remove the bright yellow eyes on the dog i had to find a sutible image of another dog, and then zoom in on the eyes, and with the eye dropper tool i selected an area of the eye. After i went back to the origanal image then i added a new layer, then i carefully, with a 2 pixel paint brush, coloured the dogs eyes, and then went to gausslan blur, and selected a sutible pixel. After i then i flattend all of the layers.

image after

I couldnt get the eyes on the dog right, becouse i found it very difficult to find the right colour that would look right. Next time i would probably bring in another picture of the dog showing the right eye colour, so i could copy that eye colour instead of looking on the web, for something totally diffrent.

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