Sunday 2 November 2008

How my research will improve my magazine cover

I have learnt a lot about magazine layout, and how to use photoshop, this will help me improve my magazine cover alot, becouse i will use these skills to create my awareness magazine cover.

The tutorials i have done, i have learnt a lot from them, and they will help me a great deal to create my awareness magazine cover. I have learnt how to use photoshop for the first time, and how to use each tool correctly to get the best finish in each photo. I have learnt how to correct a photograph by removing scratches using the healing tool or the clone tool, and also to remove red eye, which is a comman problem with photographs, by using a series of tools including the gaussin blur tool, and paint brush.

I have also looked into the diffrent examples of digital art, created on photoshop, on the website deviant art. These have given me insperation and ideas, of what kind of image i would like to create for my awareness magazine i am doing. The Lord of the rings poster i have created, where i have used diffrent photographs of the movie and have arranged them to create a poster to advertise the movie, has also helped me becouse, i have learnt a lot and i will use most of these techniques to create my awareness magazine, for example over laping of layers and finishing texture in the background.

I have also come across many examples of magazine layouts that will help me, and give me an idea of what i want my magazine cover to look like. I now also now what is the sutable layout for a magazine.

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