Tuesday 11 November 2008

DVD covers

Here are two DVD covers that have been created by fans of the series/film, on Photoshop Cs2. These covers are very good, and realistic. The two DVD covers are, Girl Interrupted, which is a film iv have seen before, and the series Terminator the Sarah conner chronicles, which i also watch.

On The DVD cover of girl, interupted, it looks like, they have brightened the image of the eye, leaving the dark sections of the lashes, pupil and eyebrow. On the back of the case they have used 3 diffrent images from the movie and diffrent style of font, which suits the cover and the movie.

On the DVD cover the Terminator the Sarah Conner chronicles, it looks like they have used 2 diffrent images on the front cover and combined them, they have also done the same with the back cover, overlapping small images. The front cover is effective becouse they have used a white backround which makes the images stand out.

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