Thursday 30 October 2008

Photoshop tutorial 2

image before
I used the rotate button to straiten the image. And then I used the crop tool to crop the image.
To bring out the contrast of the colours in this picture, I went to brightness and contrast and changed them.
In the middle of the picture there is an image of a boat in the water, to remove this we used the stamp clone tool, but because there are waves around the boat, we had to keep coping the ocean from all areas, so it doesn't look obvious that we have removed an object from there.

I then used the magic wand tool to select all areas of the sky, and then i brought the tolerance down to ten. I then opened up a new image of clouds, selected all the image and then copied the image. Then i went back to the boat image and clicked paste into, and the image of the clouds was in the area of the sky. I then moved about the image of the clouds to suit the foreground, then i changed the fill and opacity to make the image look better.

I then flattened the image, and the two layers of the image became one.
image after

Wednesday 29 October 2008

Combining Traditional and Digital

I am looking into how traditional photographs can be edited using photoshop or other digital technology. Here are some images that caught my eye on the website-

Here are some Traditional art images, that caught my attention on this website.

This image was created by a person under the name Snow-Glass-Apples on the website deviant art. The image was created using watercolours, and then onto photoshop. The backround of this image is the watercolours blending in to one another, and in the foreground there is a close up shot of a woman's face.

This image was created by someone under the name
kell2860 on the website deviant art. This image was created by hand.

Here are some Digital art images , that caught my eye on this website.

This image was created by someone under the name ~aaliriyah on the website deviant art. The image is photomanupulation, and was created on Photoshop Cs2. The effect used on this image is a quick oil on water effect.

This image was created by someone under the name Sugargrl14 on the website deviant art. The image is very effected and was taken by a camera then coppied onto Photoshop, and then they turned the colour to black and white, leaving the colour of the eyes as they are. The colour of the eyes in this picture is stunning, and also the detail in this picture is good too.

Photoshop red eye tutorial

image before and after.

I uploaded the red eye photo onto Photoshop. I then zoomed into the eye area of the picture, and selected a grey area of the eye, using the eye drop tool. I then added a new layer, through clicking layer in the tool bar. The reason i added the new layer was, in case i made a mistake and damaged the original picture, but by adding the new layer we can delete it straight away if we made a mistake.

I then selected the paint brush, with a 2 pixel sized brush, and then painted over the red area of the eye, with the grey colour, that i copied with the eye drop tool. Then i went to the toolbar selected filter, then blur, then Gaussian blur at 1.0 pixels. By doing this, it has blurred the edge of the grey colour we have painted over the red area of the eyes, so it blends in.

Then i changed the layer blend to saturation, and after duplicated the layer, by going to layer, duplicate layer, and then changed the layer bland to hue. I then flattened the image so that the layers became 1.
This will not only help me with my work on the awareness magazine, but it will also help me with family pictures that have been damaged with red eye.

Thursday 23 October 2008


There are many ways in which media can be used and how media has changed over time. You Tube has really helped with the media industry, through showing trailers of movies online. I have easily gone on you tube typed in "movie trailers" and had a variety of choice on movie trailers; there is an example of a movie trailer above, of the movie twilight. The same can be done on websites such as imdb,(example on bottom of page) which is a website where you also can view trailers of movies, and on imdb you can also get extra information on the movie, like cast, ratings and peoples ratings from all over.

Tuesday 21 October 2008

backgroung picture's

Here are some abstract pictures based on the subject nature.

The pictures "before" have been taken with my digital camera, and then the "after" picture's have been manupulated on photoshop.

Picture before and after

With this picture i have brought up the brightness and contrast, then i have used the healing tool and the clone tool to get rid of any brown parts of the leave.

Image before Then after

In the first picture, i have brought the contrast and the brightness up. Then i have removed a brown coloured leaf from the picture, which was on the right hand side of the picture, with the clone tool by choosing a part of the picture to disguise the brown leaf.

image before image after

i have crooped this image so the top left hand corner finishes with the purple flower. Then i have used the clone tool and choosen a piece of the green plant to hide the buliding in the background.

Photoshop tutorial

Image before

first use the crop tool to trim away the black edging, on the image.

Then use the stamp tool at a 20 pixel brush size, to remove the scratch on the bottom left hand side of the image. To use the stamp clone tool, you put your mouse over a piece of the grey marble that is clean, press down the alt key intil a target sign appears instead of the mouse sign, and then click your mouse, and then click over the scratch and it should disappear.

After use the wand tool, and click the grey marble area. All the grey marble area should be included. Then go to Brightness and contrast, and put the brightness up and saturation down. This has changed the tone/brightness of the marble.

There is a bruise on the pear in the image. To remove this, you click on the healing tool, put over the blemish on the pear and click, and this should remove it.

Next we will create a clone of the green leaf on the grey marble. To do this we click on the stamp clone tool, click on a piece of the leaf, by pressing down the alt key and clicking then on the right side of the mouse. After you then apply a new clone of the leaf by the origianal, by clicking by the leaf and holding down the mouse and rubbing it intil a new leaf appears.
Image after

I have done this photoshop tutorial to improve my skills and to learn new skills on photoshop. This will help me improve my awareness magazine i am creating.

Tuesday 14 October 2008

image before

This is an image of my brother Daniel and our pet dog toby when they were younger. i chose this picture to use on photoshop becouse there eyes are a different colour to what they should be, for example my brothers eyes are red and my dogs eyes have gone bright yellow.

First I have removed the bright orange date of the picture that is on the right hand side of the page, by using the healing key. to use the healing key you press down alt and then click your mouse over a piece of the blue carpet on the image, then click over the date to get rid of it.

To remove the red eye, you zoom in on the eyes, then with the eye dropper tool you select the gray area of the eye, and then create a new layer, then with a 2 pixel paint brush, colour over the redarea. After go to the toolbar at the top of your sgrin then go down to filter across to blur, then go across again to gausslan Blur. Put the gausslin blur at 1.0 pixel. Then you change the layer to saturation, then duplicate it. Then change new layer to hul, then flatten the image.

To remove the bright yellow eyes on the dog i had to find a sutible image of another dog, and then zoom in on the eyes, and with the eye dropper tool i selected an area of the eye. After i went back to the origanal image then i added a new layer, then i carefully, with a 2 pixel paint brush, coloured the dogs eyes, and then went to gausslan blur, and selected a sutible pixel. After i then i flattend all of the layers.

image after

I couldnt get the eyes on the dog right, becouse i found it very difficult to find the right colour that would look right. Next time i would probably bring in another picture of the dog showing the right eye colour, so i could copy that eye colour instead of looking on the web, for something totally diffrent.

Digital technology

there are many varitys of digital technology in media, one for example is
I-player- i-player allows you to watch programmes you have missed from channels like BBC 1, BBC 2, BBC 3, BBC 4, and more, so if you have missed a programme of a series, you can log on I-player and watch it from your computer sgrin.

Picture of the website i-player.

Digital Technology has improved, becouse now you can watch TV programmes online, and you can access the internet anywhere, for example, mobile phones, i-pods.


Here is a photo of me and my family when we were younger, on the beach. The photo is to dark, and you can hardly make out what the image is.

On photoshop i have gone on the wand key and clicked the bottom section of the picture which is the darkest are of the photo (and not the sky) and then gone on brightness and contrast, and brought them up. Then i've used the healing tool to get rid of an marks that were on the photo.

Photo before and after

This image didnt turn out to what i planned, so probably next time i will not use the wand tool, but brighteen the whole image as one.

Tuesday 7 October 2008


PSD- photoshop document- image file created in adobe Photoshop, high quality images
TIF- Tagged image file- an industrial standard image, opens on all computers
JPEG/JPG- Joint photographic experts group- compression/decompression of an image, loses quality
GIF- Graphics interchange format- compress data, great for anything with few colours, maxemine colours-256
PICT- another image apple format, good for previews
bitmap - have fixed resolution so they can be resized, they are made of small dots or pixels
DPI- dots per inch- the move dots per inch, the higher the resolution
vector graphic- a graphic image drawn by shapes and lines