Wednesday 17 June 2009

Lord of the Rings Poster

I was learning how to use Photoshop CS2, so as a class we decided to base it on a Lord of the Rings and create a poster.

With 3 differnt images from the movie, i added them onto 3 diffrent layers. I then individually selected each image and using the Eraser Brush with a featherd edge, i removed the edges of the images so i was just left with the charectors.

I then used a textured leather image and pasted this onto it's own layer at the top of the layers pallet, I then sharpened the image twice so the texture was more noticable. We then flattened the image and added


Colour Balance

this gave the slightly yellow colour that linked in with logo.We copied the image and pasted it onto another layer and used the layer blend "Overlay" to heighten the contrast and mood of the colours.We finally added the logo and used the layer blend "Lighten" to erase the black back ground.

This is my finished image of Lord of the Rings.

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