Tuesday 2 June 2009

Flash movie characters

To create my characters for the animation, I sketched them in my pad, and then scanned them onto the computer. Then I opened them in flash Professional, where I then drew onto them. This way is much easier for me, and the image has turned out good, because I found it easier to draw by hand, and then scan the image and then draw onto it through flash, then just drawing the character straight onto flash.

Here is th sketch i have scanned for my animation :

This is the image i have drawn in my sketch pad

This is the image i have drew on Flash, by going over the image i had drawn by hand.

This is my main charector i have drawn for my misheard lyrics piece. The charector is Lady Gaga who is a singer. The reason i have chosen her to be my main charector is, becouse she is the artist who created and sang the song, i have chosen to be my misheard lyrics piece.

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