Tuesday 11 November 2008

Magazine front covers

These magazine covers have a good layout, and images that catch your eye

These three are the rolling stones magazine, the text in these are set down straight on the left hand side of the front cover. the first front cover, the text and the heading are over the image, while in the third front cover the heading is behind the image, while the text is in front. The images in these magazines are of famous music bands, artists. Also most of the writing is diffrent colours, for example the heading in the first magazine is a diffrent colour from the other two.

This is an entertainment magazine, the image on this magazine is advertising the movie twilight, the text is in front of the image, while the heading is behind the image. Also the text on the front cover of the magazine is set out on the left hand side of the magazine.

layout example

here is a layout example of a magazine.

On the front page of a magazine cover you will always have a:
  • Header
  • main image
  • main cover lines
  • date/price
  • barcode
  • cover lines

DVD covers

Here are two DVD covers that have been created by fans of the series/film, on Photoshop Cs2. These covers are very good, and realistic. The two DVD covers are, Girl Interrupted, which is a film iv have seen before, and the series Terminator the Sarah conner chronicles, which i also watch.

On The DVD cover of girl, interupted, it looks like, they have brightened the image of the eye, leaving the dark sections of the lashes, pupil and eyebrow. On the back of the case they have used 3 diffrent images from the movie and diffrent style of font, which suits the cover and the movie.

On the DVD cover the Terminator the Sarah Conner chronicles, it looks like they have used 2 diffrent images on the front cover and combined them, they have also done the same with the back cover, overlapping small images. The front cover is effective becouse they have used a white backround which makes the images stand out.

Tuesday 4 November 2008

nature backround images

I am creating a poster/ background for an awarness magazine.

I have firstly opened a picture of a flower i have took myself, and went to filter, blur then pressed gaussian blur, and then i have changed the pixels to 20, this has unfocused the image. Then i chose an abstract picture of some bamboo from the internet, to use as the texture in the image. I have copied the bamboo image into the blured image of the flower, and removed the colour from this image, then i blendid the bamboo image into the out of focused image of the flower, using the soft light option. Using the font tool i wrote a word to do with the theme nature, which was flower, many times, and rearanged the words in random places on the image, by using the free transform key, to create an effective and creative look. The name of the font i used is called Weltron Urban, and i used various sized fonts.

Here is the image of the purple flower i used.

Here is the abstract image of the bamboo, i used as a texture.

Here is the finishing image, i ended up with.

photo manupulation

Here are some photo manupulation images that caught my eye on the website deviant art-

this image of this eye was created by somone under the name
iris on the website deviant art, the name of the image is, nexthokage. the image started of as a black and white picture of an eye, then the image got moved to photoshop and then there it had some colour added to the pupil part of the eye by copying some colour then using the brush to carfully apply the colour to the pupil. This image is very effective and stunning.

the name of this image is, suicide_colours, this image got created by somone under the name emrekoyuncu on the website deviant art. This image got created on photoshop by using the wand tool by clicking on parts of the picture that you would like to leave the area in the colour red, and changing the rest of the picture into black and white. This picture caught my eye, becouse of the effect they used on the image.

This image is called desert reflection. The image was created by somone under the name yamibaku on the website deviant art. The major point of this photomanipulation was emphasizing the reflection in the sunglasses. He also said that he turned the image of his face black and white to hide the blemishis. This picture he created is very effective, and creative.

Sunday 2 November 2008

How my research will improve my magazine cover

I have learnt a lot about magazine layout, and how to use photoshop, this will help me improve my magazine cover alot, becouse i will use these skills to create my awareness magazine cover.

The tutorials i have done, i have learnt a lot from them, and they will help me a great deal to create my awareness magazine cover. I have learnt how to use photoshop for the first time, and how to use each tool correctly to get the best finish in each photo. I have learnt how to correct a photograph by removing scratches using the healing tool or the clone tool, and also to remove red eye, which is a comman problem with photographs, by using a series of tools including the gaussin blur tool, and paint brush.

I have also looked into the diffrent examples of digital art, created on photoshop, on the website deviant art. These have given me insperation and ideas, of what kind of image i would like to create for my awareness magazine i am doing. The Lord of the rings poster i have created, where i have used diffrent photographs of the movie and have arranged them to create a poster to advertise the movie, has also helped me becouse, i have learnt a lot and i will use most of these techniques to create my awareness magazine, for example over laping of layers and finishing texture in the background.

I have also come across many examples of magazine layouts that will help me, and give me an idea of what i want my magazine cover to look like. I now also now what is the sutable layout for a magazine.