Tuesday 3 March 2009

Misheard lyrics research

For this project I am doing misheard lyrics, with a small animation. If you are unsure what misheard Lyrics is, it is song lyrics you mishear and think it says something else. I have looked at different examples of misheard lyric pieces on you tube and found loads of good ones, with very good believable misheard lyrics, which I must admit sound just like what the singer/band is singing, except these examples just show images, instead of an animation, which is what I am going to do.

The best-misheard lyrics I have found on you tube are:
Misheard Lyrics - Sean Paul - Temperature - I enjoyed the misheard lyrics on this and found it very funny and entertaining, even though the images were not done well, you could still understand them.
How to save a life: The misheard lyrics - I enjoyed this, I found the misheard lyrics sounded very good, and the images they used in this went along with the song very well.
Face Down Misheard Lyrics - Red Jumpsuit Apparatus - The misheard lyrics in this was very good, and I found it was very entertaining, still could have done better with the images, but it still made sense.
I would recommend anyone to watch these on you tube, because I found them entertaining, and a great help and Inspiration for me, for my misheard lyric piece.

I have an idea of what there needs to be to create a misheard lyrics piece along with an animation, by viewing others that people have created before us in last years class, and I must admit that they weren’t all that entertaining or good, apart from one, whose animation was amazing, and very detailed in my opinion.

From viewing these, I now have an idea of what I need to do, to create a good decent entertaining misheard lyrics piece. First of, the song needs to be inline with the animation, otherwise the viewer will get confused, and it will not work, because it will not make any sense at all. I also need to make the lyrics understandable by either making an image that goes with the words and in line with them; if this does not work then the best thing is to use text underneath.

My Plan for my misheard lyrics animation piece is to create an animation that goes with the lyrics. I am also going to try and make my animation funny and entertaining. I am not going to make it too difficult to create, but I am going to make my animation look decent, and not something I have just quickly scribbled on screen. I will also chose a song a now well, and that is a good misheard lyrics song.

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