Tuesday 9 December 2008

awareness magazine

I found an image of a tigers face really close up, and made the image larger by going to,
  • image,
  • image size,
  • and changing the width and height to the size of an A3 size paper.
I wanted the image of the tiger to look like it is almost disappearing, so i have erased parts of the tigers face, using the eraser tool, this part was a bit tricky doing becouse you had to be careful which parts of the tigers face you erased becouse you needed to leave most features so the animal is still recognizable. I havent erased the eyes becouse i belive these are the most stunning part of the tiger, or the marks above, i also havent erased the nose or part of the tigers mouth becouse if i had, the page would have looked plain, and i do not want that. I have also took the opacity down to 95, i havent took the opacity down far becouse i do not want to lose the strong colours the image has.

I then, using the text tool, typed Awareness, changed the font, the colour of the font, and the size, and placed it at the top of the picture over the image. Also i have typed other words like Disappearing? and placed it in the centre of the image, and tigers facing extinctions for more information, on the image. across the bottom of the page i have typed down the topics which will be in the magazine.

I have also copied a picture of a bar code from the internet, and added it to the image, with the date and the time above.

Here is the finishing image:

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